Nikhef Special Seminar: "Precision Physics for the LHC Era" (Dr. Markus Schulze)
Monday, 25 April 2016 -
Monday, 25 April 2016
"Precision Physics for the LHC Era"
Markus Schulze
CERN Theory Division, Geneva
"Precision Physics for the LHC Era"
Markus Schulze
CERN Theory Division, Geneva
10:15 - 10:45
Room: H331
Abstract: "The upcoming era of 13 TeV collisions at the LHC will open a new chapter in particle physics. The exploration of this energy regime will allow us to shed new light on the fundamental laws of nature. On the theory side, very precise theoretical control of physics in hadronic collisions is required to uncover the structures of the underlying dynamics. In this context, I will outline a few topics of my current and future line of research on advancing perturbative QCD and investigating electroweak symmetry breaking. I will present applications of this theoretical work on precision Higgs boson and top quark phenomenology."